ETEA merit list 2023 Download Online

ETEA merit list 2023 Download Online. Students are waiting for Educational Testing and Evaluation Agency merit list 2023. result 2023 merit list has been upload. Now you can Check Educational Testing and Evaluation Agency ETEA 1st 2nd 3rd Merit List 2023 for jobs available here. Keep visiting this website to get information about etea written test, written test result 2023 and merit list.

ETEA Merit List Uploaded

Visit to view the ETEA CT Result 2023 Merit List by Name and Roll Number. You may check the outcomes of your ETEA test here. The test results from the ETEA have made public. For the positions listed below, the hiring procedure includes a merit list, written tests, and other testing. On the official website, there is a link to the ETEA merit list for testing and rating products. Read the table below to find the test result 2023 preliminary merit list for the ETEA Written Test 2023 by name and roll number. How will you be able to tell if you passed the ETEA CT job test in 2023?

ETEA merit list Merit list 2023 Date

ETEA First, Second, and Third Merit List 2023 for Positions Available. Educational Testing and Evaluation Agency. All of the job seekers that have applied and are awaiting the merit list. The merit list is available for download right here. We give you a direct link so you can quickly download the merit list. Visit the post and click it. Choose your employment post, enter your CNIC or roll number, and then click the “Search” button. Dear applicant, please use the comments section below to contact us if you are having trouble downloading the merit list.

Educational Testing and Evaluation Agency merit list 2023

According to the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government, teachers employed by KPK Educational Testing and Evaluation Agency. For the ETEA Written Exam for SST and CT Jobs in Kpk, many dates have set for March and April 2023. The TT, PET, and CT IT (BS-12) Written Exams given in May 2023. The ETEA written exam outcomes for job applicants in the KPK, CT, and PET regions are available.

 1St Merit List 2023

The best testing organization in Pakistan, in my opinion, is the Educational Testing and Evaluation Agency. The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Educational Testing and Evaluation Agency is referring to as ETEA. In 1998, the previous NWFP administration established it as a provincial testing agency. A board of governors oversees the operation of the agency, and CM KP serves as the board’s chairman.

2nd Merit List 2023

The Educational Testing and Evaluation Agency, however, was established to handle the entrance exam for enrolling in engineering and medical universities, but it has since started to handle admission exams for other fields as well. We will assist you as soon as we can. Test organization corporation Educational Testing and Evaluation Agency (ETEA) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

3rd Merit List 2023

ETEA arranges engineering and medical exams for students in Khyber Pakhton Khaw. ETEA started operating in November 1998. It operates under the control of KPK. It is governed by the Board of Governors, which is presided over by the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister. Executive Director of ETEA serving as the board’s secretary, members include The Vice Chairman and Secretary of Higher Education report to the Minister of Higher Education.

Final Merit List 2023

In place of external testing organizations, the KPK province formed the ETEA to administer entrance exams for admission to engineering and medical institutions. Hence, it was greatly expanded beyond the entrance tests, according to Ordinance. In order to promote impartiality, transparency, and efficiency, it aims to support the testing and examination systems, provide training on these initiatives, and allow other institutions to use its electronic resources.

Self Finance Merit List 2023

Advertising, results, waiting lists, open merit lists, lists of accepted and rejected candidates, provisional merit lists, and final lists of accepted and rejected candidates are all terms used by the Educational Testing and Evaluation Agency (ETEA). For the most recent developments, return often to this page.

READ MORE: JCAT Result 2023 Merit List Online Check

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