Hailey College of Commerce Entry Test Result 2023 Merit List Check

Hailey College of Commerce Entry Test Result 2022-The morning and evening shifts of the Hailey College of Commerce Entry Test 2023 Merit List for M.com, B.com, FA, Ics, D.com, DBA, I.com, BBA, MBA, and M.Phil has been posted on this website. For the class of 2022, Hailey College of Commerce has chosen the following students. Below are the first, second, third, fourth, and final merit lists for all open and self-supporting programmes. Candidates who are awaiting the final merit list for admission to Hailey College of Commerce. Latest Merit List for Fall and Spring 2022.Hailey College of Commerce Entry Test Result 2023 Morning and Evening Sessions are promptly made available by NewRealStudy.com.

Hailey College of Commerce Entry Test Result 2022

The Merit List for the Hailey College of Commerce M.Com Entry Test 2023 Results will be made public by the University of Punjab. This college offers a number of programmes, including an M.Com. A lot of applicants submit applications for admission to this institution. This college administers an entry exam to narrow down the pool of applicants due to the enormous number of admissions applications. Every student who applied for admission to the M.Com programme in the current academic year 2023 took the exam as well.

The test has been completed, and the merit list and results will now be released. This college will release the first, second, and third merit lists on three different occasions after the results are announced. So, verify the merit list when the test results are announced.

01HCC D.Com Merit ListCheck Online
02HCC FA/ICS Merit ListCheck Online
03HCC BS A&F Merit ListCheck Online
04HCC FSC Merit ListCheck Online
05HCC ICOM Merit ListCheck Online

Hailey College of Commerce Merit List 2022

The final chosen applicants will be sent here, along with the Hailey College of Commerce Admission merit list, waiting lists, self finance merit list, and merit lists for reserved seats. Keep checking this website for updates on the Hailey College of Commerce Entry Test Results and the call lists for the interviews (OPEN MERIT/SELF FINANCE).

Hailey College Of Commerce M.Com Entry Test Result 2022

Students who have applied for M.Com admission at Hailey College can view the 2023 results of the M.Com Entry Test at Hailey College of Commerce. The institute has not yet made the outcome public, therefore it is not yet accessible. It will be announced soon, and after that, it will be made available here. To be admitted to this institute on a merit basis, the entry test must be passed. You won’t be able to apply for admission to this college if you don’t pass the test. To view the test results, you may also go to Punjab University’s official website.

Hailey College Of Commerce M.Com Merit List 2022

This college will update the Hailey College Of Commerce M.Com Merit List 2023 following the declaration of the results. It will initially provide the initial merit list for the chosen pupils. Students whose fees are not received by the due date will have their names dropped from the list. The second merit list for the chosen students will then be updated. The third merit list for the chosen pupils is also announced. So, review merit lists after the outcome before continuing.

HCC Entry Test Result 2023 Online Check

Admissions test for Hailey College of Commerce 2023 for the M.com, B.com, FA, ICS, D.com, DBA, I.com, BBA, MBA, and M. Phil This page contains the Morning and Evening Shift Merit List. For the class of 2022, the following students were selected from Hailey College of Commerce. All Self-Sustaining/Open Programs) The final merit list is here, along with positions 1, 2, 3, and 4. Students who are awaiting the final merit listing for admission to Hailey College of Commerce.

You’ve come to the correct place if you’re a student looking for the entrance exam results for 2022. Here you may find information on the 2023 Hailey College of Commerce M.Com entry test results, which are listed below on this page. After the test has begun, answer keys will be made accessible for students to review.

Hailey College of Commerce Admission 2022

If you experience any difficulties seeing the Hailey College of Commerce Admission Merit List, feel free to contact our knowledgeable staff by using the comment section provided on this website. Then, in any event, you will receive all available assistance.

Contact information

Contact phone(042) 99231273
Address:Punjab University, Quaid-e-Azam Campus, Quaid-e-Azam Campus, Lahore, Punjab
Official website:www.hcc.edu.pk

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