Way to Fix Alternative Page With Proper Canonical Tags – NewRealStudy

Here we are providing HTML code for you, just copy this code and paste it in your blogger website theme under Head Tag and you will be good to go.

Now follow these steps and solve your problem about Alternative Page With Proper Canonical Tags within a minute.


Copy this given code, open notepad and paste the same code.

<link href='https://newrealstudy.com/' rel='canonical'/>

Way to Fix Alternative Page With Proper Canonical Tags - NewRealStudy


Now at this point remove our website link and paste your own website URL as you can see in above picture.


Next go to the Blogger Dashboard and Click on “THEME”.

Way to Fix Alternative Page With Proper Canonical Tags - NewRealStudy


Now click on drop down error and Choose”EDIT HTML”

Way to Fix Alternative Page With Proper Canonical Tags - NewRealStudy


Find the header tag in HTML Coding.

Way to Fix Alternative Page With Proper Canonical Tags - NewRealStudy


Paste the copy code under “HEAD TAG” and save it.

Way to Fix Alternative Page With Proper Canonical Tags - NewRealStudy


All steps are completed now go to Google Search Console and click on “Validation Start”

Way to Fix Alternative Page With Proper Canonical Tags - NewRealStudy


Maximum after one week your website error about “Alternative Page with Proper Canonical Tag” will be removed from your Google Search Console.

Watch this Tutorial video about “Alternative Page with Proper Canonical Tag”

If you don’t understand any step, watch this tutorial video ,follow these steps and solve your problem within a minute.


Many bloggers are facing issues about Alternative Page With Proper Canonical Tags but now your problem solution is available here. If you follow these footsteps your website error will be removed in one week. I hope this information will be very helpful to all of you because now you are able to solve your problem.

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