Join Pak Army Female Nursing AFNS Merit List 2023 Download Here

Join Pak Army Female Nursing AFNS Merit List 2023 check here from this page.Female Nursing merit list 2023 download from easily. Here are lists of the selected candidates, waiting lists, and AFNS merit lists available. The GHQ Selection Board will only contact candidates who pass the first and medical exams to schedule interviews in Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar, Multan, and Rawalpindi. After payment of the fee, please pick up your admission letter from the admission office. Every year, the Pakistan Army offers up nursing admissions, and only those qualified applicants are admitted. After completing a BSc(Hons) in nursing, a lieutenant would receive enticing compensation packages and amenities including pick-up and delivery services to their apartment.

Join Pak Army Female Nursing AFNS Merit List 2023

Check the AFNS Merit List 2023 online at the Centers for AFNS Recruitment and Selection. To access AFNS merit lists and results, go to the official website and enter your CNIC number (for example, 61101-1234524-1). Become a nurse and join the Pakistani armed forces. This website contains the AFNS Waiting list, Merit list, and Selected Candidate lists. Interviews will only be held for applicants who have completed the medical and preliminary examinations in Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar, Multan, and Rawalpindi. When you have made the payment, the admissions office will give you an admission letter. AFNS 2023 Merit List afns 2023 merit list is available here. This page has been designed to provide Join Pak Army Armed Forces Nursing Service. From here, you may access the holding up list, chosen candidates list, rejected applicants list, and AFNS merit list. Soon, female applicants who need to join the Pakistani army as AFNS nurses will be able to view the AFNS results on this page.

AFNS Merit List 2023 Check Online

Check Online Here For The 2023 AFNS Merit List. Online AFNS Merit List 2021-2023 Check. Enter your CNIC on the official website, No The Armed Forces of Pakistan are seeking nurses to join its ranks. This website contains the AFNS Waiting, Merit, and Selected Candidate lists. Only those who pass the preliminary examination and medical examination are qualified for interviews in Pakistan’s Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar, Multan, and Rawalpindi. After you’ve made the payment, the admissions office will send you an admission letter.

Pak Army AFNS Merit List 2023 Female Nursing

All interested individuals who desire to join the Pakistani Army through the Armed Forces Nursing Services Agency are welcome to submit applications (AFNS). At the bottom of this page, we give comprehensive information on the eligibility requirements, selection process, schedule, and application form submission procedure. It is possible to view the AFNS merit list for the 2023 Join Pak Army Armed Forces Nursing Service here. Armed Forces Nursing Service AFNS admissions for BSc Nursing year 2023 were recently released by the Pakistani Army.

AFNS Merit List 2023 Announced Date

The AFNS Merit List for 2023 has been released. You may view the first merit list for female nurses in 2023 online. Visit and input your CNIC number, which looks like 61101-1234524-1, to view the AFNS Merit List and results. It is advised to postpone taking any action until the final results are known. You may easily look for the 2023 Pakistani Army job results online after the announcement has been published. You should check back frequently. When an advertising is uploaded on this website, we’ll be notified. So make sure to check back often to see if anything has changed.

AFNS Merit List 2023

Female Nursing 1st Merit List 2023Check Online
Female Nursing 2nd Merit List 2023Check Online
Female Nursing 3rd Merit List 2023Check Online
Female Nursing Final Merit List 2023Check Online

Join Pak Army Result 2023

To check the AFNS Merit List and results, go to the official website and enter your CNIC number, for example 61101-1234524-1. Wait until the day the results are announced. Following the release, it will be simple to look up the Pakistan Army employment results for 2023 online. On this page, you will be informed whenever an advertising is published. For the most recent changes, check this page.

Pak Army AFNS 1st Merit List 2023

The management will disclose the first merit list after all procedures are finished, and the applicants who pass will only be allowed to enlist in the Pakistani military, while the remaining pupils will have to wait for the subsequent merit list. Additionally, all information will be available when the merit list is published. Soon, female applicants who want to join the Pak Army as AFNS Nurses will be able to view the AFNS results on this page.

Pak Army AFNS 2nd Merit List 2023

After the first merit list is announced, the second merit list will follow. Candidates who didn’t make the second merit list should check the second merit list, and if their name appears there, they should get in touch with the administrative office to finish the rest of the procedure. You can register online through the official website ( before 2 September if you want to join the Pak Army Female Nursing (AFNS).

AFNS Result 2023 Interview

The Pakistan Army is the country’s armed forces’ conventional military force. Thousands of applicants seek for admission each year when the Pak Army opens the AFNS. It started working on August 14th, 1947, when Pakistan gained independence from the British army. According to information gathered by a private company, Pakistan has 5.6 active faculty members.

AFNS Interview Updates 2023 Merit List

All female applicants looking for the AFNS merit list for 2023 are informed that officials have not provided any justification for the date on which the merit list will be revealed. Just now, it was announced that the AFNS merit list will be revealed very shortly. If any such notice is issued, we’ll let you know as soon as is reasonable.

Join Pak Army Female Nursing Service

Check the Join Pak Army AFNS first, second, and third merit lists, waiting lists, saved seat lists, impaired quantity merit lists, temporary merit lists, last merit lists, suggested candidates lists, and rejected candidates lists every day by visiting this page.

Additionally, rejected candidates will be able to learn about their potential dismissal on this page. For the first meet, which may be held in your local selection centre, download the AFNS result card from this page.

Join Pak Army Contact Numbers:

Address:Room Road Sadar Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Phone.051 9271393, 5125026

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