Military College Jhelum Admission 2023 For 1st Year Apply Online

Military college Jhelum admission 2023 for 1st year apply online from our website. Online applications for the 8th class session of 2023-2024 at Military College Jhelum Sarai Alamgir are now being accepted. The online registration process commenced today, and the deadline for submission of registration forms with a single fee has been announced. After the said deadline, applications will be accepted with double fee until the final date.

The deadline for submitting online applications with the normal fee is set for March 31st, 2023. However, applications can still be submitted until April 10th, 2023, but with a double fee.

The entrance exam for the Military College Jhelum Sarai Alamgir will be conducted on April 30th, 2023. To be eligible for the exam, candidates must be between 12 to 14 years of age on April 1st, 2023, including the grace period. Those who have either passed the 7th class or are currently studying in the 7th class may apply.

Military College Jhelum Admission 2023 Fee Structure

Additional information will be updated sometime during this week.

The official website has started accepting online registrations for the upcoming session until the last date. After completing the online registration forms, candidates must submit the fee challan form to Habib Bank Limited and the admission form and fee registration form to any Habib Bank Limited branch.

The program spans five years of training, and upon passing matriculation, select students will undergo a two-year military training program at Pakistan Air Force, Pakistan Army, Pakistan Navy Cadet Colleges.

Wards of Army Officer (Serving & Retired)             Rs. 2500/
Wards of JCos/Soldiers (Serving / Retired)             Rs. 2000/
Wards of Civilians & other Armed forces               Rs. 3000/
Military College Jhelum Admission
Military College Jhelum Admission

Cadet College Jhelum Admission 11th Class Last Date

In light of the prevailing situation of Coronavirus in the country, the Military College Jhelum has extended the online registration date for Lateral Entry XI Class 2023. Candidates can now apply with the normal fee until the new deadline, which is yet to be announced. The tentative date for the Entrance Exam for Lateral Entry XI Class is the last week of April 30th, 2023. Military College Jhelum Admission 2023 For 1st Year Apply Online from official website. click this button and check all admssion criteria.

The admission and prospectus forms are available at the college for Rs. 560 for civilians army & army officers, and Rs. 280 for army JCOs. Alternatively, candidates can request for the forms by courier by sending a demand draft (DD) made in favor of Military College Jhelum. The admission form can also be downloaded from the college’s website, but a DD pay order from Habib Bank of Pakistan, made out to Military College Jhelum, must be attached when submitting the admission form.

Eligibility Criteria Cadet College Jhelum Admission

Military College Jhelum also accepts applications for admission from Matric pass and Intermediate candidates. However, the candidate must be between the ages of 15 to 17 years as of July 1st, 2023. Admission to the college is strictly based on merit, which takes into account the candidate’s previous academic record, performance in the written test, and interview.

Academic Year 2023
MCJ 8th Class Admission Last date  30th May 2023
MCJ 1st Year application form Last Date 05 June 2023
Admission Application Form Download Here

To be considered for admission, candidates must ensure that their application form is received before the deadline of March 31st, 2023. The written test for admission will be held on Sunday, April 10th, 2023, and will cover the subjects of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.

Military College Jhelum Test Date 2023 Check Online

The written test for admission will consist of English, Urdu, General Science, and Mathematics. Candidates who successfully pass the entry test will be invited to attend an interview and undergo a medical examination at designated centers after the announcement of the results.

Military College Jhelum Prospectus 2023 Check Online

The prospectus, which includes model papers, past papers, sample papers, paper pattern, and syllabus, will be sent to your postal address. The admission test will take place at Cadet College Jhelum. Following the entry test and interview, successful applicants who meet the required criteria will receive Call Letters via post.

For admission in the VIII class against the COAS Quota, applications must be received before the scheduled entry test date each year. The College only entertains applications received through the COAS Secretariat GHQ in Rawalpindi. Applications sent directly to the College will not be considered.

Selection Criteria For 1st Year Admission 2023 Detail

Established on March 3rd, 1922, Military College Jhelum (MCJ) is the oldest English medium military institution in Pakistan, founded by Prince Edward VIII, the Prince of Wales, in Sarai Alamgir. Originally named King George Royal Indian Military School (KGRIMS), MCJ is situated beside the town of Sarai Alamgir on the Grand Trunk (GT) Road. The college campus covers an extensive area of approximately 170 acres.

MCJ Admission 1st Year 2023

The deadline for admission is Friday, June 4th, 2023. If you have not yet registered for the Class XI Admission Form 2021, you can click on the button below to receive your username and password.

Originally founded as a residential school for the sons of Muslim soldiers in recognition of their services during World War I, Military College Jhelum (MCJ) began operations on September 15th, 1925, with the aim of producing educated personnel for the British Indian Army units. Over time, the school underwent significant structural reforms, and in 1943, it was elevated to the status of a college, named King George Royal Indian Military College, for the training of potential officers for the army.

Online Registration Military College Jhelum 2023

Following the creation of Pakistan during World War II, MCJ was renamed as Royal Pakistan Military College Jhelum. It is currently affiliated with the Federal Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education in Rawalpindi.

MCJ Syllabus For Class V, VL And VII

ubjects Marks
Objectives/ MCQs
English 50
Math 50
General Science 50
Urdu 35
Islamiat 15
Pakistan Studies (For Non-Muslims only) 15
Total Marks 200
Urdu 50
English 50
Total: 100          `
Total Marks 300
cadet colleg jhelum admission

Military College Jhelum Past Papers 2022-2023

Make sure to visit our website,, where you can download online entry test past papers, paper patterns, syllabus, and sample papers. These model papers have been prepared by experienced educationalists and examiners and will be very helpful in your exam preparation.

MCJ Result And Merit List 2023

The results of the MCJ entry test, including the merit lists, waiting lists, and final selected candidates, will be published on this website. Stay tuned for updates. Go to official website and download military college merit list in pdf format.

Contact Information About Military College Jhelum 2023

Army Official Number    8041-33511,33512,33513 (Extension 2248, 2255 & 2209)

Civil official Numbers:    0544-650581, 0544-650582 (Extension 2248, 2255 & 2209)

Read More: Cadet College Jhelum Admission 2023 Fee Structure

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